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Saturday November 10, 2018
US Navy WWII and US Army Korean War Veteran, Rob Middleton - Susanville, CA

Patriot Guard Riders having been invited by the family of Army Veteran Rob Middleton to participate in Military Honors with family and friends for our Veteran Hero.

Rob served in the US Navy in WWII and was again called to service in the US Army in Korea.

**On a nice warm Fall day, 18 PGR arrived to participate in Miltary Honors. Unfortunately.. we were NOT told about the assembly time being changed from 1:30pm in the afternoon to 11:00am this day! Thank you extremely for those who did show up!!

I would like to sincerely apologize and would like to thank the following;
10 PGR that rode up from Carson City/Reno, NV areas
2 PGR from Alturas, CA
6 PGR from the Susanville, CA area

Rest in Peace.. Your Mission here is complete..

Susanville, CA PGR Ride Captain:
Blake "Burnout"

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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